National Geographic Features
National Geographic
1998 – 2007
Terra Incognita has a long history of collaboration with National Geographic, designing many of the Society’s most popular online features.
Webby Award, Science
Webby Award People’s Voice, Science
CODiE Award
Communication Arts Interactive Annual (3 times)
HOW Interactive Design Annual (2 times)
Critique Magazine Design Annual
Reviews & Comments
“As director of new media, I was the first person at to have the opportunity to work with Bart Marable and his super team at Terra Incognita. I wish I could have selected ALL the attributes that best describe Bart. If I had to pick one that's not on the list, I’d go with “magic.” He would start out with an exciting new idea, then execute as described but with a lot of extra refinements that added up to pure storytelling magic. He was responsible for creating experiences that were the high point of my own career. The best.”
— Michael Heasley, Producer
“The Terra Incognita team clearly does their homework. I am impressed by the quality of their questions and suggestions, and their interpretation of information.”
— Tom DiGiovanni, Producer
“Thanks to all of you for all the tremendous effort that went into making the Lost Gospel website such a fantastic success. As the official NG website, visually stunning design and innovative technical implementation struck a perfect balance between the art and science of this historic discovery.”
— Paula Willard, Producer
“On behalf of the National Geographic Society I would like to extend my thanks to you and your team for the monumental contribution you have made to the design and development of the Genographic web site. This has been an unprecedented project, large in scope and visibility, and one that we could not have accomplished without a partner of Terra Incognita’s caliber.”
— Lauri Hafvenstein, Executive Producer
Return to Midway
At the Tomb of Tutankhamen
Monterey Bay
Alaska: The Great Land
Congo Trek
The Genographic Project
The Lost Gospel of Judas
Sea Monsters